Wages & Hours
What Is Weighted Overtime Pay?
Overtime refers to the time worked by an employee over 40 hours per week. According to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), most employees must be paid 1.5 times their regular working wage for any work above 40 hours per week. However, in some cases, employers must use a formula …
How Does Severance and Vacation Pay Affect Unemployment?
If you lose your job for any reason, your financial responsibilities do not lessen. You still need to pay the bills and keep food on the table. Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits, or you may be able to get severance pay or other …
Overtime Pay When Working From Home
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way many Americans work. A recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center indicates 71% of employed individuals are now working from home, compared to only 20% before the coronavirus outbreak.
Are you one of the millions who are now working from a home …
Am I Eligible for Overtime Payment Under New Wage Laws in Pennsylvania?
You work hard at your job, even putting in extra hours. When you work those longer hours, you may ask yourself, “Should I be paid overtime?” In some cases, the answer is yes, but there are exemptions to overtime wages. As of 2020, these exemptions have changed.
Whether you had …
What Laws Exist That Protect Equal Pay for Women?
The battle to ensure equal pay for work of equal value for women has been taking place for over 150 years. Even during the days of the Civil War, when women working for the federal government were paid half the salary of their male counterparts, objections were being raised (unsuccessfully) …